See How We Helped This Customer Measure Low Flow Rates & Accurately Bill Tenants With Our On-Site Verification Services
This multi-story building houses offices and street-level commercial tenants. The site was utilizing paddle wheel type meters to measure and bill tenants' energy usage. The existing meters had high failure rates and an inability to read low flows, which caused downtime and unbillable usage. During a verification, our technicians found multiple meters reading off by over 5%; one of which was not accepting a recalibration and the brand did not offer on-site service.

Control Associates’ Measurement Solutions experts calibrated all the energy meters on-site utilizing a Flexim FLUXUS® F601 Portable Multi-Functional Flow Meter as the reference. The FLUXUS has become the industry standard for temporary heating and cooling thermal energy measurements for all types of BTU meters, with Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) matched to .03°F.
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Measurement Solutions Team
As your exclusive representative for Flexim services in the NY Metro Area, we are focused on delivering comprehensive support for all of your flow meters.Learn More About Our Solutions Contact Us to Schedule a Visit