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Watch this demo from our reliability expert, Derek Pinto.
AMS Wireless Vibration Monitor: The Future of Predictive Maintenance
Ensure the Health and Reliability of Your Critical Assets
Revolutionize your maintenance strategy and ensure the reliability of your critical assets with Emerson’s AMS Wireless Vibration Monitor. Harnessing the power of real-time data and analytics, these monitors deliver full vibration data over a self-organizing wireless mesh network—allowing you to keep your plant safe.
Revolutionize your maintenance strategy and ensure the reliability of your critical assets with Emerson’s AMS Wireless Vibration Monitor. Harnessing the power of real-time data and analytics, these monitors deliver full vibration data over a self-organizing wireless mesh network—allowing you to keep your plant safe.
Key Features & Benefits:
- Wireless Connectivity
- Comprehensive Monitoring
- Advanced Analytics
- Reduce Downtime & Maintenance Costs
- Increase Safety & Availability
- Fast & Easy Installation
Gain Access to Full Vibration Data
for Your Critical Machinery
The AMS Wireless Vibration Monitor allows you to see overall vibration data, PeakVue™ measurements, and temperature readings that can easily be integrated into any control system or plant historian. Additionally, diagnostic data can be displayed by AMS Device Manager and AMS Machine Works software via the AMS Optics Asset Performance Platform.